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Peak Mountain 3

Chump Unknown

FA ???
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start on Stump Chump (or just stand using the bomber undercling and huge left sidepull). Work up a move or two, then use that core strength to press into a wicked double gaston. Fancy footwork bring one into the shallow wanna-be dihedral to the right of the arete, and perhaps another gaston. Either stay in the shallow area, or utilize the arete on the left. Both exits make this semi-traverse the most classic line on the First Street Boulder (in my silly opinion).


This is the proudest line on the steepest arete with the huge chalked starting holds, where the boulders meet the dirt, road facing.


The landing can actually be kinda sketch, as small boulders start to line the base on this side, so several crash pads a couple spotters are recommended, but not necessary if you're as awesome (stupid?) as Egg and me.

2000 km
1000 mi