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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Best High Rappel Beginner Climb-keeps any leader interested.

Pitch 1: Just right of the large right-facing dihedral start by oak trees. Climb thin corner (5.4) to a narrow shelf then traverse left 10' Climb up small chimney to tiny ledge, step back onto face (Crux, 5.5) clip old bolt and continue up crack to belay ledge with Fixed/Glued Piton.

Pitch 2: Step up slab from belay and follow easy cracks to the summit slabs.

EDIT: Follow the EASY crack system that starts above small slab on the upper-left of belay, dihedral to the right is a .10a variation (Presidente).


Start at the base next to Oak trees right of a large right-facing dihedral. Scramble off back side to the Descent Gully.


Stoppers, Small to large cams to #4 C4. 20' Sling to wrap around massive horn/protrusion for second belay. Anchors on top, 3 Bolts w/ two hangers.

1000 km
1000 mi