HomeUSAMinnesotaDuluth Area (Rock and Ice)Duluth Rock ClimbsDuluth BoulderingLittle Foxx CanyonSouth Little FoxxUltimate Block, TheUltimate crackV4Rediculously UltimateV3Edit modeThe Ultimate AreteV6-boulderingFA Chris DeulenCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionClimb the prow dudes. Jugs to the left are off. I started with a high left hand and my right in the cool little pocket. A lower start has yet to be done.LocationArete of the Ultimate Block.ProtectionPads and a spotter who can dig their heels in.Routes in The Ultimate Block1Ultimately PointlessV0Bouldering2Ultimate crackV4Bouldering3The Ultimate AreteV6-Bouldering 4Rediculously UltimateV3Bouldering5PenultimateV3Bouldering6Ultimate Dyno of Ultimate DestinyV4Bouldering