Tree Hugger

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A variation finish of the popular



Tree Hugger

is the brave, desperate, and more natural finish for those seeking the


crag tick or a little more mileage out of this wall.

Begin comfortably pulling pockets up the ever-steepening face of


. Continue ascending the overhang for the first four glue-ins then break right into the cryptic, tense bulge. Milk what few remaining holds you can get, and finish up the hard and seemingly blank void using small pockets and swallow crimps. Foot work is essential to reach the anchor. This variation is better than it looks, Send it!!

Less popular than it's neighbors,

Tree Hugger

is committing and difficult to suss-out due to a lack of traffic and the ever ominous tree. Its recommended to be solid at the grade. A risky and gloomy set of moves greet the daring climber at the finish.


Start on the obvious and chalked


. Break right after 4th glue-in.


Glue-Ins to an anchor.

Routes in The Prow