HomeUSAMinnesotaDuluth Area (Rock and Ice)Duluth Rock ClimbsDuluth BoulderingSanctuaryFree Standing Creek BouldersRock Bridge, TheButterfly EffectV7GoldsmithV8-Edit modeSnowball EffectV7boulderingFA Peter Dodge, 2010CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSit start in the cave on a big flake. Work up through the small dihedral in the boulder. Follow the small crack up to a scary top out. (From Peter's Guide to Duluth Bouldering)Top out is very tall, and landing is questionable. The climbing in the top 1/3 of the route is easier than down low.LocationThe down stream side of the boulder. Starts slightly under the boulder on the left.Protection3+ pads. Attentive spotter recommended.Routes in The Rock Bridge1Unearthing the VendettaV3Bouldering2Butterfly EffectV7Bouldering3Snowball EffectV7Bouldering 4GoldsmithV8-Bouldering5EliV6+Bouldering6Low Tides & High TimesV9Bouldering7A Romance With the Woman of Your DreamsV6Bouldering8Task ForceV7Bouldering